Do you know how many children enroll in kindergarten and have never used scissors, paint, playdough, markers or glue? As a former kindergarten teacher, I saw many children who had never used these tools. Yes, that's what they are: Teaching tools. You don't have to be afraid to get out the paint or let your child explore with sand or playdough. Just take baby steps, be in control, prepare the play/discovery area, model, then observe from a distance. Your child will love you for it and you will both benefit in so many ways.

Is that playdough? It doesn't come out of carpet, does it? How much does it cost?! Yes, it is homemade playdough using salt, flour, water, oil and alum. Or you can buy playdough in a variety of colors. Your child will be learning fine motor skills, developing his imagination, or perhaps learning to spell his name while forming the dough into letters, shapes, numbers or creatures.
Playdough Provides Many Benefits Including:
- Fine Motor by strengthening fingers, hands and wrists,
- Cognitive by offering opportunities to teach letters, colors, shapes, and counting,
- Imaginative Play by placing different objects into the dough such as buttons, sprinkles, beads or action figures,
- Self-Esteem by giving children the opportunity to create whatever they want gaining some mastery and control over their environment,
- De-stressor offering a safe release for tension or angry feelings by squeezing, twisting, punching, poking, throwing on a mat or designated area, and
- Mom Rewarding because after initial boundaries are set, mommy may have some “down-time.”
No-Cook Playdough
2 cups self-rising flour
2 tbsp alum (in spice section)
2 tbsp salt
2 tbsp cooking oil
1 and ¼ boiling cup water
Food coloring and scent (optional)
Mix oil and food coloring together before adding to dry mixture. Mix ingredients until pliable. Keep in a container or sealed plastic bag when not in use.
You may be wondering: How can I find the time and patience to teach my kid with everything else I have to do? Don’t panic. If done right, providing your child with brain-stimulating activities will actually give you more free time. When children are challenged with playful, developmentally appropriate activities, they behave better, their confidence is boosted, and they become better at using their imaginations to play alone, earning you some guilt-free peace and quiet.
You may be wondering: How can I find the time and patience to teach my kid with everything else I have to do? Don’t panic. If done right, providing your child with brain-stimulating activities will actually give you more free time. When children are challenged with playful, developmentally appropriate activities, they behave better, their confidence is boosted, and they become better at using their imaginations to play alone, earning you some guilt-free peace and quiet.
If you’re anything like me, once you became a Mom, you quickly learned that free time is a thing of the past and you found yourself asking:
- Why can't my kids just play by themselves occasionally?
- Why does it make me so crazy to stay home with the kids sometimes?
- What should I be doing to get my kids ready for school?
The good news is that children are naturally wired to learn by playing - not by memorizing flat cards or with expensive products. The question is: How can I know the best ways to help them learn? We can help! I have teamed up with Katie Norris of Mommy with Selective Memory to write a Bestseller: The Happy Mommy Handbook: The Ultimate How-to Guide on Keeping Your Toddlers and Preschoolers Busy, Out of Trouble and Motivated to Learn.
This book is written in a unique way - from the perspective of both a mom and a teacher. Each chapter introduces a dilemma that Katie has faced while raising her children. I follow with a Teacher Evaluation offering advice and explain why the activities are good for your child's development. Then, we introduce dozens of games and activities including photos and detailed instructions. You will understand how each activity can truly benefit both you and your child and help prepare them for school - while they are having fun! Relax, find the joy in being a mom, and save your sanity one project at a time. Only $3.99 for Amazon Kindle and $9.95 for print copies. Also available on Barnes & Noble and Kobo.
- Keeping Kids Busy With Sensory Activities
- Keeping Kids Busy With Fine Motor Activities
- Crafts and Art Projects
- Playing Inside
- Playing Outside
- Nurturing Yourself So You Can Nurture Your Children
- Enjoying Your Kids to Fullest by Developing Wonderful Behavior
- How to Prepare Your Children for Kindergarten
- Helping Your Child Learn to Read
- Helping Your Child Learn Math and Science
- Summary and Resources
This Book is a Life-saver! July 10, 2012
This book seriously saved my sanity. I've read a bunch of parenting books but this is literally the only one that actually gave me real and specific advice and ideas for things to do with my daughter. I'm a stay-at-home mom to a 2-year old and I was at my wits end trying to come up with ideas of fun, easy, creative things to do with her that will keep her busy and occupied and help her learn. I wasn't very good at following through on ideas that I heard about from friends or read in other books or online because they seemed too complicated (aka: messy!) but this book broke it down and made it so simple. I highly recommend it.
This is a "Must Have" book!!! July 9, 2012
By Kim Jenson
This is truly a fantastic book! I was shocked at how many activities the authors came up with - many of which didn't even require a trip to the store for supplies! The Mom who wrote this has great stories & the Teacher has valuable's a perfect blend of unique insight. Fun inexpensive activities that keep my 2 kids away from the TV, what more can you ask for?! This book is really helping me become a better Mom - Thank you!
Working mom approved! July 5, 2012
By Katie
As a full-time working mom, I want the time I spend with my daughter to be quality time. This book is full of great ideas on how I can engage my 2-year old, and keep her out of trouble while I get things done around the house. It is fascinating to watch her learn and have fun with the simplest of activities from materials we have around the house. Our quality and learning together time has improved! I can't wait to share this book with all of my mom friends - working or stay-at-home.
Let Your Child Experience Childhood
Looking forward to reading your latest book Susan! I am sure it's packed with oodles of great tips. Congrats to both you and Katie!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Bern. You blog is truly amazing. Love the linky parties, too.